Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ma Journée (Mardi)

06h 00 -  Je me lève
06h 02 -  Je fais ma toilette
06h 30 - Je m'habille
06h 45 - Je prends mon petit déjeuner
07h 00 - Je vais l'école
07h 15 - Lecon commencer
12h 10 - Je déjeuner
14h 45 - Leçon finir
16h 00 - Ja vais maison
17h 00 - Je fais ma toilette
17h 30 - J'etudie
19h 00 - Je dîner
19h 20 - J'etudie
22h 00 - Je dors

On Monday, 4th March, we had a short presentation on our daily routines in front of the class. After each presentation, the rest of us who listened  will be asked questions. For example, what does she do at 6 a.m., 3 p.m., and so on. The activity was quite easy.

Although, it was a little bit difficult listing my daily routines. I had to use the dictionary to find out the words that I do not know how to say in French. I think I need to improve my French vocabulary.

1 comment:

  1. Très bon travail et réflexion intéressante. Fais attention à la conjugaison : je dine, je déjeune…


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