Sunday, January 27, 2013


We recently learned about algebra in Math subject. I made my own puzzle on evaluating algebraic expressions to sum up the things I have learned. Making it was a piece of cake! All I did was just making some algebraic expressions and search  for riddles then write it in a piece of paper, then colour it with crayons. As easy as that! I applied some creativity in making the algebraic expressions, and in decorating the paper.

 From doing this activity, I learned how to make algebraic expressions, not just evaluating it. 

                                         My math trivia paper

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Trash Transformation

“Trash transformation? Isn’t trash just trash?”
If you look into the other side, trash can be art too! As an evidence, I did a science project on unused materials. It worked! I reused leftover ceramics, broken glass, metal, plastic cup, and fiber to make an owl key chain. It’s not just art, it’s also practical.

I had some struggles doing the project though. When I broke the leftover ceramics into pieces with a hammer, I got a little cut on my finger. Even though it didn’t hurt, but getting a cut is never a good thing. I also had a quite hard time sticking the pieces of ceramics. The glue I used to stick them is a very adhesive one, so I had to be careful. But eventually, I spilled some on my fingers and it took a few days to get off the glue.

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project. I learned how to look at trash differently, and turn it into something practical. Who knows if in the future, I can turn it into something that's worth a large amount of money? 

                                       Recycled Owl Key Chain
Light Grey Pointer